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Everything posted by 99_XC600

  1. Used my 20V Porter Cable 1/2" drill and a wire wheel to clean up the detached sole from my snowmobile boots so I could re-silicone them, Leaving tomorrow morning!
  2. Mine came in yesterday as well. Many thanks to Dan, Eric and Klein. Can't wait to try them out!
  3. My first thought was of this. Since the bins are a good size and removeable, Depending on the size, you could put them right in.
  4. It's great too see the Northeast is so well represented. We're #1!! We're #1!! Take that Baby!
  5. That sucks Mike. We got pinched right before Thanksgiving. Just a huge effin headache to deal with this crap.
  6. Thanks everyone. Yes, it's starting to take shape finally. Doesn't seem like I've been working on it for 2 months. Going to try to get the floor down this weekend. I was planning my first snowmobiling trip for this weekend, but the way the weather has been in the northeast, it's not happening.
  7. Based on the current mess of tools in my entry way. I would say about all of them. Every time I think I'm done with a tool and put it back in the garage I find myself pulling it back out of retirement. lol
  8. Great work. I hope that bed frame comes apart. Maybe tough getting through a standard door opening.
  9. I immediately thought of Primus
  10. Throw some steel plate over it and call it good. Wow, that just sucks. I would hate to be the person that lives on one side of the river but works on the other side. What the hell do you do?
  11. Making progress over the weekend. Used the Porter Cable 20V Oscillating tool to remove the tar paper / felt from the floor on Saturday.That task absolutely sucked. Sitting on the floor for a couple of hours and then getting up was tough. My hips were killing me. lol Once that was done, I put down 1/4' HardiBacker board down in preparation for the tile floor. Also put up the lighting that my wife had picked out. Looks pretty good, Just need to work on tweaking the aiming of the heads once we get the table in there. Working in there gave me a opportunity to try out the Bluetooth speaker that I got for Christmas. That little speaker is awesome and it has about 3 hours of run time.
  12. You have 2 options. You can go with an electric version of get a propane one and then just get a bottle placed somewhere on your property and set it up.
  13. This reminds me that I need to flush my Takagi tankless. Best thing I ever did was purchasing this for my house. I love it.
  14. I've had great luck with all of their hand tools. No complaints.
  15. Awesome, that has so many great one liners!
  16. Dan needs to 3D Print this.
  17. I'll need to watch this when I get home!
  18. That's pretty quiet. You gave me a good reason to give my pancake compressor to my stepson and pick this up,
  19. Interesting, The car wash that I went to had a setting on the dial marked as engine degreaser. Not sure what else you would use it for.
  20. I've drunk the Kool-Aid and must order these.
  21. Looks great. I would think that it would be fine. It's nowhere near the hinge area so it shouldn't be stressed too much. Did you use a straight edge when you did the groove or freehand it?
  22. No, it probably sprayed about 1/4 of a quart out. I checked the level and it was still within spec.
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