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What's your trade...?


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If this is posted somewhere else, I missed it.


Figured it would be nice to see what everyone does, how you use your tools on the job, etc.


For now, I'll just post a link to the portfolio on my site which pretty much shows what I do. I use a crap-load of tools in the process.


How about you guys?

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If this is posted somewhere else, I missed it.


Figured it would be nice to see what everyone does, how you use your tools on the job, etc.


For now, I'll just post a link to the portfolio on my site which pretty much shows what I do. I use a crap-load of tools in the process.


How about you guys?

I was about to ask why you needed a lift but signs explain it haha!! That is some nice work, you do it all your self?  I know im only 15 work everyday and when I'm out of school. Alot of handyman jobs and landscaping.  I know a little about everything.

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Did you ever think about coal mining, that is king up there.

Not really. I'd have done what I had to do, but if I pretty much had a job waiting on me on the Railroad. I figured I'd get layed off the first winter and I'd planned on joining the Navy as I could go for 4 years and kept my seniority on the RR. By the time I got back I'd stand for a lot of work. Problem with that was that I never got layed off. I went and took my ASVAB, picked out a job and everything except signing the paperwork. Just wasn't meant to be I don't guess.

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Not really. I'd have done what I had to do, but if I pretty much had a job waiting on me on the Railroad. I figured I'd get layed off the first winter and I'd planned on joining the Navy as I could go for 4 years and kept my seniority on the RR. By the time I got back I'd stand for a lot of work. Problem with that was that I never got layed off. I went and took my ASVAB, picked out a job and everything except signing the paperwork. Just wasn't meant to be I don't guess.

Yeah my great grandfather passed away of black lung, Did you ever have any close calls when you were conducting?

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Yeah my great grandfather passed away of black lung, Did you ever have any close calls when you were conducting?


Personally no. However, I've known several guys who were seriously injured including one who lost his leg at the hip. In 2007 a Conductor in the adjacent track was killed. It was his own fault, but he was brand new. Never should've been doing what they had him doing. 

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Personally no. However, I've known several guys who were seriously injured including one who lost his leg at the hip. In 2007 a Conductor in the adjacent track was killed. It was his own fault, but he was brand new. Never should've been doing what they had him doing. 

Yeah, it must be astressful job, you really have to be with it and know what you are doing.
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Yeah, it must be astressful job, you really have to be with it and know what you are doing.

You've got to pay attention to what your doing and be aware of your surroundings, especially in the yards. You have to look out for your crew, Railroad accidents are seldom trivial. I've never been responsible for any injury or a single dollar worth of equipment or property damage.

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Wow I feel like a loser after seeing what everyone does and the talent here.

People with technical and building skills are undervalued. It won't be like that forever though. My generation can't do shit for themselves. As the demand goes up so does the price. We'll eventually see a renaissance though. At some point our country will figure out not everyone can work in a hospital or for the State. Every industry goes in cycles. Most industrial jobs around here hired a metric shit ton of people in the mid/late 70's and a lot of our parents generation went into the trades. As the baby boomers die off someone will have to learn to do the jobs. There's is an over emphasis on education in this country IMO. I could explain my theory, but it would take a lot more time than I have at hand. It doesn't matter if you have a PhD in rocket physics that took 11 years and a quarter million dollars to obtain. If nobody is building rockets you've wasted a lot of time and effort. My family has been blue collar since the beginning of time, but I walk with my head held high. Everyone puts their britches on 1 leg at a time same as you ;)

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People with technical and building skills are undervalued. It won't be like that forever though. My generation can't do shit for themselves. As the demand goes up so does the price. We'll eventually see a renaissance though. At some point our country will figure out not everyone can work in a hospital or for the State. Every industry goes in cycles. Most industrial jobs around here hired a metric shit ton of people in the mid/late 70's and a lot of our parents generation went into the trades. As the baby boomers die off someone will have to learn to do the jobs. There's is an over emphasis on education in this country IMO. I could explain my theory, but it would take a lot more time than I have at hand. It doesn't matter if you have a PhD in rocket physics that took 11 years and a quarter million dollars to obtain. If nobody is building rockets you've wasted a lot of time and effort. My family has been blue collar since the beginning of time, but I walk with my head held high. Everyone puts their britches on 1 leg at a time same as you ;)

Lol The government workers around here are a complete joke, For example, State cutting trees vs, Asplungh (National Tree Trimming Company) The state has 10 guys, 1 cutting, 1 watching, 1 in one truck drinking coffee, 1 in the other truck on the cellphone,the other 6 are sitting under a shade tree eating lunch, this is at 9:00 am. Asplungh has 3 guys on the same job, 2 cutting, 1 operating the chipper. Asplungh will also complete the same job in 3 days vs the states week and a half, that just proves how much money we would save if a private company would trim trees for Flagler County......

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I agree people with technical and building skills are undervalued.  What scares me is they are eliminating these things from high schools.  I know my local school took away autoshop and woodworking.  I took both those classes in High School.  Can only imagine what is happening across the country.

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It doesn't matter to me because Conductor Jr. will know about tools and how to use them, but it's sad for the kids who don't have the opportunity to learn at home.

I see Conductor Jr. now, writing his doctoral thesis on the impact of the 2nd World War on domestic tool production :lol:

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And still waiting for that cordless pop rivet gun? :)

I imagine one day, long after I've passed, Conductor Jr. will attend a Milwaukee media event and address the crowd with a tearful speech about how it was my lifelong dream to own an M12 pop rivet gun.

............ I am so full of shit :lol:

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I imagine one day, long after I've passed, Conductor Jr. will attend a Milwaukee media event and address the crowd with a tearful speech about how it was my lifelong dream to own an M12 pop rivet gun.

............ I am so full of shit :lol:

Lol, Im sure they could do it!

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