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Congrats redsonnach, ets, damnyankee, and javier


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They really went crazy this time giving out 10 multi meters, and its very cool that Klein donated all of them that was very cool of them. Klein also makes the majority of their tools in the USA too.

Yeah the manufacturers are really steping up!

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They are 50 bucks each that's a lot of money, but it is also great marketing I though Klein was a good company, but this helps their cause even more

Well its working because i may just buy one, 9 always like to buy the best and 50 bucks? Thats not bad at all!

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They are. About all of their Datacom stuff is Asian made and most of the multi-bit drivers as well.

Speaking of Multi bit drivers i have been looking at some for in the truck box so i dont need 3 phillips and 3 slotted....save room..I like the Milwaukee stuff....Harold i know you have alot Do you have the 9 in 1 i believe is there multi bit screwdriver?

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