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Man this is starting to be a concern


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My neighborhood is having a rash of breaking and enterings over the past few months.  We have had a few issues with homes on on street getting messed with. We live next to some things that could cause issues there is a trailer park that has people with issues at any we are also next to a freeway. I would say we are having an epidemic right now. I think I'm going to either have to call the police and mayor to step on patrols through the area for awhile a show of force scares the creeps anyways for awhile.

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There are two things thieves absolutely hate.......LIGHT & DOGS. 


Even if you dont have dogs, put up some "beware of dogs" signs on both sides of your house & install some dusk-till-dawn LED floodlights (wired in, not solar).  You will be the one house that doesnt get broken into.


I used to rekey houses for banks (foreclosures) & I can break in any lock typically faster than you can use a key.  There was only one type of house I refused to break in.....ones with dogs inside.....I hear barking, not a chance.  Most doors can be opened with a credit card or putty knife if the deadbolt is either not locked or not installed.  A deadbolt absolutely is a necessity.


Also, Kwikset locks SUCK!  I can open them with paper clips.  And, if you twist the handle back and forth hard.....about 50% of them will unlock with no key.


Get some Schlage locks.....doorknob & deadbolts.  Also make sure all of your windows are locked.  I would say 90% of houses have at least one unlocked ground level window at all times.

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I feel your pain DR. Our neighbors house got broken into on a Sunday early evening a few months back. Funny part was I was up on the roof cleaning gutters for most of the afternoon and came in just before it must of happened. Even though we think they were singled out (inside job) because of the day and time we went ahead had ADT come in and install an alarm. Two weekends ago somebody came through on a Friday night and knocked down mail boxes (ours being one of them) and stole some bikes. There is a house being built directly across the street from me it's almost done. Last night about 11:30 I was loading something into my wifes car and she quietly says don't turn around but somebody is by the garage across the street watching you. i said thats it and went inside got my Surefire ED2 Defender and head over to investigate. Sure enough I'm slicing the pie coming around the back of the house and I light up some fool hiding by the bushes. he takes off running like a bat out of hell obviously up to no good and didn't belong there.


I think when it's perseved that a neighborhood is on guard for this stuff it becomes harder for it to happen. I agree with everything said above lighting is not a ill willed persons friend.


As far as lock sets the neighbor that got broken into had a cheap one and all they did was wedge a prying tool of some sort into the gap between the door and frame and lean on it to gain access. We didn't hear a thing and we were home all day..........

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I got a gated front yard, two 85 lbs dobermans, a glock 19 by my bed, and adt security (cuz my wife made me).... Honestly if getting some dogs is a no go, or u dont have a gated front yard, then Adt security is a good idea... You put adt signs in the front and backyard. And they give u adt stickers for each window..it will make a thief think twice before breaking in...and if they do decide to go in, then that loud alarm will scare them off and aswell as alery u..It is 40$ a month tho...

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DR you need a dropcam

I have been thinking about getting something like that. I just cant justify the cost of an alarm system. I have a loud dog and a single shot muzzle loader that's about it on home defense items. I also need to get a no solicitors sign its getting really bad with the pushy scammy natural gas companies that end up costing a ton more than your local utility. Btw Dan you nearly gave me a heart attack when you mentioned how much your property tax bill is that crap is crazy!!

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Guys, I am a huge propenent of the right to keep and bear arms. Kind of funny cause I dont own any.  I am also a huge proponent of a man being as safe as a king in his castle when he (or she) is in his (or her) home.  I have my 2012 Charger outside and an M4, a Remington 870 and a S&W M&P45 for work tools and feel relatively safe but when I retire I will own some firearms.  I will remind everyone, as I do when I FTO a new guy or when I teach at the academy or WHENEVER I go to a call that there is ALWAYS a firearm at that call.  Unfortunately cops get killed by their own firearms everyear during struggles.  We are trained and it happens so....if you keep a gun at the house for home defense, train with it and know you local laws.  Sorry, I just see bad things happen sometimes and I may not be a finish carpenter (YET) but I am familiar with what a firearm can do to somebody.  So if you get guns, keep them safe.  More often than not those are the first things stolen and used to commit crimes.  Also make sure it is properly secured.  Many people dont know that if you leave your gun in your car or house unsecured you can and often will be civilly liable for criminal actions taken by the thief!

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Also, I am a huge fan pf prevention...motion lights work. Keep your car locked (youd be surprised how many dont). Most of these theives are junkies looking for a quick score and if it looks like the owner is aware, they normally go to the next house. Cameras are great too. That and my welcome sign I have...a pistol and the caption "We Dont Dial 911 Here" :)

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I know what you mean. Between the meth heads and heroin making a big comeback there's been a surge in break ins around here lately. I put up motion lights, locks on the fence gates, and bigger locks on the garage.

Heroin is the problem drug in this area.

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Guys, I am a huge propenent of the right to keep and bear arms. Kind of funny cause I dont own any.  I am also a huge proponent of a man being as safe as a king in his castle when he (or she) is in his (or her) home.  I have my 2012 Charger outside and an M4, a Remington 870 and a S&W M&P45 for work tools and feel relatively safe but when I retire I will own some firearms.  I will remind everyone, as I do when I FTO a new guy or when I teach at the academy or WHENEVER I go to a call that there is ALWAYS a firearm at that call.  Unfortunately cops get killed by their own firearms everyear during struggles.  We are trained and it happens so....if you keep a gun at the house for home defense, train with it and know you local laws.  Sorry, I just see bad things happen sometimes and I may not be a finish carpenter (YET) but I am familiar with what a firearm can do to somebody.  So if you get guns, keep them safe.  More often than not those are the first things stolen and used to commit crimes.  Also make sure it is properly secured.  Many people dont know that if you leave your gun in your car or house unsecured you can and often will be civilly liable for criminal actions taken by the thief!

I don't have an issue with owning a firearm for hunting or just as a shooting hobby I used to do that occasionally. The thing that kind of freaks me out is the possibility of taking someones life. I have a friend who's house got broken in and he went and got the whole 9 yards expensive alarm system, some hand guns, and a video surveillance system. He's in the mind set that he's going to take out anyone he even suspects of robbing his house, and I'm always warning him you know you can't just light a guy up if he's on property if he starts running away you can't shoot him in the back a guy was convicted because of that. Same thing with a CCW I'm sure you saw the video of the guy shooting the robbers in the casino in Florida. I would be pissed at someone like that for escalating a situation, but then again you don't know their intention, but i think most robbers don't want to hurt or kill anyone, they just want quick easy cash. I just hope I never have to deal with a situation like that.

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Dan was just talking about a Drop cam look at this bullshit it captured. I think stores shouldn't be allowed to only have one worker if they are open to the public retail. http://static.dropcam.com/1e467fbd696b404f8cab57680f71f7f4.mp4 Watching something like that does make me rage. Hope they get the guy he is on the front page of Reddit now and lord knows how many other webpages.

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