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Well, I'm back. Between cell towers and fiber-optic lines burning up, blowing down, or being dug up, communications have been pretty spotty. It's been a crazy summer for sure. We've had the hottest, driest summer folks around here can remember. Temps hovering at 100+ since mid June and very low humidity and precip, had fire season off to a roaring start a month earlier than usual. Luckily there haven't been any deaths directly attributable to the fires, and very few injuries.


There area few observances I would like to share with you.


First. Some people (a couple of my friends included) are indecisive, materialistic fools, and completely unprepared for an emergency. When you have assembled a group and two trucks to save your animals and most precious belongings, and law enforcement tells you, "You have 15 minutes to get your shit." this is not a fucking moving party where we will get all your garbage out. We aren't going to pack all your food and dishes. When the firefighters are falling back, I don't give two shits about your 9th grade spelling bee trophy, great aunties china hutch, three flat screens, or your sex toy collection. Yes, I'm an asshole! I came to get your three cats, two dogs, your stinking ferrets, clothes, and as many photos and important papers as possible. Anything else is a bonus and you should be grateful, some hadn't time to get anything.


Second. I was surprised at how few people have cash. So many rely solely on debit and credit cards. I'm not concerned with TSHTF scenarios, and don't consider myself to be a prepper, but I do have a few small emergency stashes of cash in and out of my house. A fact that my girlfriend was astounded to find out. She called in a panic because cards weren't working anywhere in town, so I had to divulge the locations of a couple stashes. Not all, our definitions of emergency differ too much for that.


Third. Looters and profiteers should have their hands cut off. If you are going to steal from people that lost almost everything you are the lowest form of life on this planet.


Finally. Three weeks ago, while on my lunch break, an elderly woman from one of the local retirement homes was sitting with us smoking and talking about the fires while she waited for the transport bus. One of the brush trucks pulled up and 4 firefighters got out. On their way into the store she called them over. They had obviously just gotten off the line. They were dirty and tired, and had the look that they weren't really in the mood to answer questions about the fire, but they would quickly humor this woman and be on their way. As they approached she stood up and started rummaging in her grocery sack. She turned and started handing them something saying, "I would like to thank you gentlemen for helping our community. I don't have much, but, would you do me the honor of having an ice cream with me?" All they could manage was "Thank you." as tears streaked through the soot. There wasn't a dry eye at the table either. They sat and talked with her for a couple of minutes, and escorted her to her bus. I guess sometimes it takes a little old lady to remind us it doesn't take a lot to show your gratitude.

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It's good to hear your back and everything is ok Red. I know I'm not the most prepared person its pretty easy to get complacent in the city especially. The two times that shit got really bad was when they had the big east coast black out back in 03, and when we lost power last November. Losing power power when its cold out wasthe worst. They really don't give you an easy way to run your furnace without electricity even if its fueled by natural gas.

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  • 10 months later...

Yeah kinda like Harold too. I miss seeing Chase on the forum, I haven't seen any new videos either. Hopefully the guys will come back though, it's nice having the energy and different opinions and enthusiasm too. We've been pretty lucky though with some of the newer members popping up here and there.

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Yea I remember when i first started in March of 2013 Harold was all over the forum and the YouTube channel like crazy and chase videos are also cool to watch plus there's thousands of FB and UTube subscribers just imagine this place would be lit up all day. As for the crew now much love to all my Crazy Tool junkies on here I Talk about some of U guys to my other friends like as if ive known and grown with U guys for years lol and my friends will be like how come we haven't met these peeps and I Tellem all the time join the forum. U guys are a great bunch of friends and fellow Toolaholics! And I don't plan on Goin no where anytime soon ;). T.I.A#1!

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I don't want this place to get too crazy so it loses the crew feeling, but a few more people posting would be nice. On the videos I'm going to try and steer people to the forum when I comment on a video.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It is pretty cool how people seem to be pretty tight on here. I know I'm new but so far I've felt pretty welcome here. Maybe it's because we all share the same disorder...need more tool-itis. I am a member of some other forums and there just seems to be a lot more hate. I like it here!

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

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Amazingly, we've never had a problem with anyone being an asshole and I've never had to ban anyone. We've had a couple guys we were glad to see go, but we never made them leave.

One guy was so infatuated with Dewalt that the mere suggestion that Dewalt didn't make the very best version of every tool pissed him off and being heavily populated with Milwaukee users, you can imagine how that went. He made snide comments and went to other sites slamming us, but he left on his own accord.

The other guy was a know it all that would argue that the sun was green. He just up and vanished one day. I thought maybe he died, but I knew most of his name and where he lived, so I tracked him down and found at he's alive.

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I would love to see some of the cool members that vanished make a comeback!! Yea we never had to moderate people for comments on this forum really its pretty self moderating. The only thing us mods really deal with is spammers really :)

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