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Getting Rid Of Cable Tv


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Has anyone decided to cut the cord on your ridiculous cable bill and go with an HD antenna?  Ive been tossing around the idea of using an antenna and paying for internet only so I can use services like netflix, hulu, amazon, etc.  Could probably save around $1500 - $2000 a year by doing so.  

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Haven't had cable for years.  All the televisions I own are for DVD/Blu-ray watchin', Netflix, and NFL games from Sept. thru Feb.

That and the vast majority of television programming is 'fer shit, IMAO.

And with the likes of HBO going the Netflix-route, now you can just pay for what exactly you want.

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I was thinking the same thing. Roku is the best Internet player that hooks to your TV and WiFi. They have all the bomb channels like Netflix, amazon, hulu, HBO, showtime.... Cable is getting ridiculous. It expensive and I don't watch but 3 channels out the hundreds they have. Internet TV is the future. But I haven't cut the cable cord yet because my wife would kill me lmbo[emoji23] [emoji23]

But I will..... Eventually

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And the commercials. OMG. Just kill me.

Seriously...you watch an episode of M*A*S*H and there's a total run-time of about 27minutes...that's 3min of advertising when it aired originally...now'a'days, runtimes are at the 22minute-mark, leaving 8 minutes for ads. The same ads. Over and over and over and over....

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I've had a computer hooked up to my tv for going on 5 years now. No cable, just 40$ a month and all the commercial free trash I could want. Plus, my wife loves shopping from the big screen. I figure we've saved 5k-10k easily by now.

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I'm making the jump and getting rid of cable August 1. I'm moving into a new house and I figured I can save probably about $120 a month just by getting internet rather than a cable/internet/phone bundle. I have a bunch of random networking hardware so I keep getting these really elaborate ideals of how I would like to wire up my whole house for streaming from a centralized media server but for the time being I will probably just use a Roku box on my TV and possibly an HD antenna because my area gets a good amount of over the air HD stations.

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Looks like that is the way of the future. Of course when that goes mainstream it will seriously jack up the price of the internet TV options. And it will all be a moot point. Just like if they came up with a tablet that you could drop in the gas tank of your car and make it get 50 mph the price of gas would go to 20 dollars a gallon. That's the way of the world.

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Killed Cable TV, has well as all "professional" TV Content.. I do have a TV in the shop, connected to an Apple TV, to view YouTube content, and I also have "How-To" and Documentary videos in my iTunes Library. The only issue I have is, at this point I am not saving a ton of money, has there are no Internet only providers in my neighborhood.

**I do pay for the NHL Season Pass


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I got rid of cable about 3 years ago now.  I went with a roku and plex media server.  Between Plex, amazon and netflix, there isn't much that we miss at all.


It's not really a solution for those that aren't technically inclined, but it works great for us.  I miss having a live TV stream exactly three times a year - Thanksgiving day, New Years Eve and the 4th of July.  I've been meaning to get a digitial antenna, but we live so far out, I'd have to get a big'n and climb up on the roof to mount it.  Needless to say, this is a fairly low priority thing.

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I don't mind cable tv the problem is they priced themselves out of the market. I guess the people back in the day that though you were crazy for paying tv were right!! It wasn't bad till the FCC let these companies get big and merge. We have competition here in Metro Detroit,  but the prices are not that great

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If you're going to do internet only, check your internet speed. As well, think about going only wireless, and upgrade to a wireless ac router. Wireless "TV" internet opens up a world of opportunities for living organization.

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kodi will give ya pretty much everthing

This guys got it!!

The Roku is nice but the Amazon fire stick is where it's at!! It's allows you to run 3rd party apps like (kodi and a few others)

You can do your own research but all I will tell you is you can pretty much watch tomorrow latest and greatest movies today!!

Among all TV shows and live..even some pay per view stuff if you set it up right!!

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