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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. ChrisK

    Home Depot

    Yeah you do Rich. Again, need has nothing to do with it.
  2. AWESOME JASON!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you guys! Congratulations and God Bless bro!
  3. Hahahaha thanks Regopit! I looked for it too but could t find it
  4. I still do dude. Every once in a while I put on trashy techno euro crap music on and dance around like 99 frikkin luftballons.....
  5. Wow. Comp taking selfies in his woodshop. You can tell he is Canadian....he's wearing plaid.
  6. I don't lend tools. Period.
  7. Woodcraft, Bob Marino Festool, Toolnut, Acme
  8. Welllllllll...I'm not saying that was a deciding factor....buuuuuuuut.... Yeah.....the path to help is through admission....
  9. Ha! No that's the friggin Cadillac of three wheel strollers. It's got hand brakes! It's got tuneable suspension!
  10. Hahahaha, just posted as Eric did, never mind
  11. Im not sure if you read Eric's posting but I too was having issue since the night before last. I spoke with Eric, I use all mobile devices, iOS, and everything was down including tap a talk. I know they just did the update and change lever but interestingly enough, Friday, I blacklisted 9 brand new members that were clearly spammers that sighed up all on Friday. That makes maybe 12-15 over the past week.
  12. Guess what future woodworker got to go to Woodcraft yesterday.... Thats right! Oh yeah! And he helped daddy pick out a brand spanking new CT26 dust collector and a big pile of new Festool sanding pads and papers for free courtesy of my boyz at Woodcraft (not the CT.....that would have been awesome!!!!) Also found out there's a Festool roadshow at the Newington NH Woodcraft on April 1st at 0800 with free lunch! Hope some crew are in the area!
  13. Sorry to be here about your job woes bro. Totally different situation but at my job, I work for the State, we are unionized and have "and other duties as seen fit by the Division". This covers exactly the type of work you are being forced into doing. However, signing off on "completed" work for employees that I do not directly supervise does not happen. In New Hampshire, the employer can fire an employee for any reason and then it would be up to agrieved former employee to sue the employer for some type of work related issue. Not a great set up. It doesn't sound like you are a union employee, especially in a pseudo management role. Therefore protection from an irritated boss is not afforded. My role at my job is a director of a program for the entire State. My title is Trooper First Class. Every other State that has State Police running their program, has a Lieutenant or higher in this place. I am directly responsible for overseeing about 125 companies and enforcing laws and regulations on about 6500 people and 5k pieces of equipment. If something bad happens, I am the program manager. If I were to grieve my position, I would simply be moved to a patrol capacity and another Trooper would fill my role once application and interviews were completed. And it all boils down to that caveat written into every role within the Division and even the Department which oversees the Division. I knew about this going in and still took the job. You're problem is you did not. The job title had changed, the position changed, the responsibilities changed and by tossing you a raise where others didn't get it, they have kind of sweeted you into the job. Have you spoken with your supervisors about your concerns. To me, this is a concern, you sign off on employees who do work on things that house some pretty precious cargo....humans. You have no authority to hire of fire so presumably take no role as an enforcer of policy or code. That is not a great position to be in. I tell people all of the time, I can be sued thirty years from now because of my role as a trainer when I was a patrol supervisor. I sign off on a guy and he does something stupid way, way down the road...I still own it. Back then I had the authority to do something about a bad employee but you don't. That's an issue. I know this doesn't help but at the end of this tirade....you have a girl friend, you're young, you're skilled, you have a long life ahead of you. Don't forget that. I would make sure I have something else lined up, and talk to your boss. I tell new guys on the job this. It sounds like a dick thing to say, but it's true.... "ALWAYS put your family first. This job will forget you the day you walk out that door". A former Patrol Lieutenant told me this when I was a rookie cop. I know we have different t jobs but life is life. Family first. If you feel, and you certainly do, and rightly so, that you are being treated unfairly at your job, speak up. But....try to have something else lined up. Maybe closer to home. I'd rather wake up to my wife than an empty pillow miles from home at a job I don't like that has caused me frustration and stress.
  14. The second pic, the Can Am is off to the left in a snow bank. That's the only one I have with the plow on her. And I'm too lazy to go outside right now and take one of her under the tarp! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. Here's mine bro... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. I ended up getting a Tekton hose reel for my shop to connect this little VERY QUIET guy to. You really will like this compressor, solidly built, ultra quiet.
  18. Well clearly you were not wrong. I'm a renaissance man. I pulled up to Starbucks in my cruiser for a Venti ice Caramel Machiatto n the way home. Sometimes....sniff....coffee just won't do....sniff....
  19. Holy crap! That's the same get up I wear in the wood shop!!!!
  20. Love it bro. I have the 2up model, warn winch, heated grips 650 cc. Beautiful machine!
  21. How did I miss this!?!? Awesome job dude. I've got a set up in my 16 Can Am Oultander Max XT. Plow is awesome. Broke the cable twice though, thinking of going with a nylon rope next.
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