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My Boy is Back in the Hospital


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Good Day Crew!


Has some of you might have heard on the TIA Periscope, my boy is back in the hospital.  He went to the hospital back on July 30th (My Birthday) because he was not feeling well, and was in a lot of pain.  Turns out he has a bowl abstraction from stomach scar tissue (he had complications when he was 2 years old - he's 17 know) and has a twist in his intestine.  His surgery went well, except for some minor post-op issues.  He came home on Thursday, August 6th, he was in a lot of pain from surgery, but that was to be expected.  Well on Sunday August 9th, he started puking, and was in severe pain, and not getting any better or recovering from the surgery, so we took him back to the hospital and they admitted him.  He is still in the hospital, getting tests done, and they had to put a NG tube in his nose, and if anyone ever had to have that done, one would rather have their arm cut off without any pain medicine. We are waiting to hear results of tests, and what the next steps will be.


On top of that, her mom is not doing well, she has been on a downhill slide for a long time now, and we don't know how much time she has left.  They need to decide, if it's time to put her in hospice. 


Like they say, when it rains it pours, has on top of all that, both springs on our garage door broke, causing the top 2 aluminum panels to get bent, so most likely the whole door will need replaced along with the 2 springs, also our 2nd vehicle broke down in the middle of July which is not a big issue, has we are just waiting on parts, and me ladies sister's husband will do the repairs, since I do all their computer repairs.



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I would like to thank everyone for the well wishes, we have a great community here.  If you personally knew me, you would know that I am a very positive person, and always look on the bright side of things. However, sometimes that is put to the test, and this month sure has done that.


UPDATE: The doctors took out the tube today, so that's a good thing.  They are starting him on clear fluids, and took out the pain medicine IV and will just give regular pain medication.  They are hoping it will work itself out, so now we just have to wait.  It's likely he will be in the hospital a few more days.



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I would like to thank everyone for the well wishes, we have a great community here.  If you personally knew me, you would know that I am a very positive person, and always look on the bright side of things. However, sometimes that is put to the test, and this month sure has done that.


UPDATE: The doctors took out the tube today, so that's a good thing.  They are starting him on clear fluids, and took out the pain medicine IV and will just give regular pain medication.  They are hoping it will work itself out, so now we just have to wait.  It's likely he will be in the hospital a few more days.



That's good to hear that he's getting better will continue to keep you and your family in our prayers.

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It appears that all the prayers and well-wishes have been working, has Bandon is getting discharged today.  I am hoping he will be on the road to recovery, and not have to go back for a third time.  I been debating posting a couple of pictures, has I am not sure if it would be appropriate, has someone might find them to gross (although they are not to bad) or to inappropriate for the forum.


Also waiting to hear an update on me ladies mother, but that is looking like it's not going to turn out well.  A decision is needed in the near future, when the time will be to move her to a hospice. 


Thank You all again for the well wishes and prayers!  Soon has he is up to it, I will share this thread with him.



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