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Oh Well... The New Chapter Begins


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Good Day Crew!


Well, sometimes your're the bug and sometimes your're the windshield.  Has of today, me and the ol' lady are no longer one.  I have had enough of her bullshit, time for her to pound sand. Not going to lie it does hurt, but at some point one needs to make a decision.  For the past 10 years, I been the "bread winner", I was more than happy to let her stay at home, and take care of the household.  I found out that she was not taking care of medical bills, and ran up my credit cards and decided it was not important to pay them.


So now, need to figure a bunch of shit out, cry a tear in beer LOL, and figure out what to do with all this extra room I am going to have.....


I will post some updates, has things play out....





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Good Day Crew!


Well, sometimes your're the bug and sometimes your're the windshield.  Has of today, me and the ol' lady are no longer one.  I have had enough of her bullshit, time for her to pound sand. Not going to lie it does hurt, but at some point one needs to make a decision.  For the past 10 years, I been the "bread winner", I was more than happy to let her stay at home, and take care of the household.  I found out that she was not taking care of medical bills, and ran up my credit cards and decided it was not important to pay them.


So now, need to figure a bunch of shit out, cry a tear in beer LOL, and figure out what to do with all this extra room I am going to have.....


I will post some updates, has things play out....



Good luck to you brother, we're all here for ya, sounds like you need some time with a sawzall and a sledge hammer! lol

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Steven, I'm really sorry to hear that. Keep the faith bro. Find somebody to talk to outside of work. Now's the time when you find out who your real friends are. Rely on them and family.

Yeah, Unfortunately I really don't have any true friends anymore, once I moved out here to Ohio, I lost touch with the couple friends I did have.

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Running up credit cards, and not paying them, that = ultimate douchery. I have a motto, use your brain, don't be a douche, she's clearly not keeping it real with her douchery behavior. I am sorry to hear about this, but knowing what know, I have to agree with your decision. I am in credit debt as well, but I am being responsible making payments. I couldn't live with myself if I racked up multiple credit card debt and not paid it. She clearly thinks she's the queen of sheba, yeah well, the queen is about to be kicked out on her ass. lol

Well unfortunately they were in my name.  When I first met her, she was living in a shit-hole run downed apartment working a crappy retail job.  We moved in together in a better apartment, but a not so good neighborhood out of my desperation to get her out of her current apartment. My credit is fucked, but the house is mine (well the banks) until I pay it off LOL.  Bottom line, I took her from living in shit, to a beautiful house, stability, let her stay at home to concentrate on her son that has a ton of mental issues, and was always an honest guy that stayed at home in his workshop, never went out to taverns coming home drunk, or cheating.

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Hate to hear that man. You know the crew has your back if you need to blow off some steam.

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Thanks Man!  I am a mellow guy, just going to pound some of my private stock top shelf bourbon, watch the local election results, and crank some tunage.....

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Sorry brother, no matter the reason it can't be easy. I hope you don't live in California, although I would like to check out your shop... Out here she would own the house.

I think you should rent that extra room to a Veteran attending college. But I'm biased, I was homeless for a bit while attending college the first year.

In the end just keep doing the things that make you happy and the rest will fall into place. Go build something and post some more videos.

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One of my Co-Workers went through a very similar situation 5 years ago. He got a call one day from a bill collector about a credit card bill he didn't owe, or so he thought. Come to find out, his stay at home wife ran up $60,000 on a credit card he knew nothing about. She was having the bill mailed to a friends house. Had absolutely nothing to show for it either.


Come to find out, about half of it was spent ordering lortab from Mexico, the rest was spent on spa days for her and a couple of her friends, and she's spend over $10,000 on designer purses. I'd like to think that's an obscene amour, but I could spent that on tools before daylight, so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt there. 


They had 4 kids and he got raped in the divorce. After he paid child support, the house & car payment, and all the other shit he was ordered to pay, he had $36 left to live on. He lived in an old camper in his mom's yard for about a year. Eventually she fucked up though. She was on pills, the kids missed 40 days of school, she was dating an ex-con, and he ended up with the kids. 


Good luck brother. I certainly hope all goes well for you.

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Well I am happy it's under $10,000, and the house is 100% mine - that is loan to the bank lol.  The hardest thing I have deal with is, I became kind of a recluse when we got together, and I don't have any close friends here, has I just moved here from another state, and never really socialized much. 

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